
Donate Today

Every donation made to Elizabeth Fry helps give women a second chance in their lives and makes a HUGE difference to their time here.


Will pay for a prize for a resident in an evening activity



Pays for a yoga and mindfulness session for residents



Provides a resident with Primark vouchers to buy basics



Covers the cost of a resident's move on pack once they have successfully left the AP


“Thank you for listening, for guidance, for inspiration, for encouragement, for being there and, most importantly for being part of my journey.”

Nina, ex-resident

Leaving a Legacy to Elizabeth Fry Charity


Your legacy would enable the Charity to continue and develop its work and help more women to a better life and a more productive role in society.

We thank you for your consideration of our Charity. Please help us to help those who have lost their way in life to find the right path again. If you wish to talk about this further, please contact Fiona Humphreys – 01189 572385 or